Inktober 2023 Complete! ✔️

If you’ve not heard of Inktober, it’s a month long drawing challenge. You’re given the daily prompts and just enjoy, use your imagination at post your drawings on instagram, tagging inktober ❤️ They might share your drawing!

I’ve started it for the last few years, but never finished. But this year I actually have!!!

I’ve also been taking part in Inktober 52 this year. With a new prompt each week of the year, it’s a nice weekly challenge and not so intense as coming up with a new drawing everyday! We’re up to week 44.

Inktober 52 prompt list ❤️ I’ll share my drawings in a few weeks!

I’ve actually finished inktober for a change! There’s a few I’m not fussed with but just glad I finished it all! And tried to do a drawing within a drawing 🎃

Day one was on a separate page as part of Inktober 52 and then the rest of the 30 days fitted nicely onto an a4 spread in my Scribbles That Matter journal.

I decided to do it all on one page this year, partly because I wanted to keep it more manageable, I wanted to do it in my bullet journal and as I was laying it out, I had the idea to try to do the drawing within the drawing. Which definitely kept my interest, and encouraged me to finish it! It also made each individual drawing more challenging, trying to make them part of the bigger drawing.

Please check out Inktober on instagram to see all the incredible artists!!

Day 1 – Dream. Separate because it’s also part of inktober 52 (and I hadn’t quite decided what I was doing yet with the rest of the prompts)
Day 2 – Day 31

The Inktober 2023 Prompt List:

1. Dream

2. Spiders

3. Path

4. Dodge

5. Map

6. Golden

7. Drip

8. Toad

9. Bounce

10. Fortune

11. Wander

12. Spicey

13. Rise

14. Castle

15. Dagger

16. Angel

17. Demon

18. Saddle

19. Plump

20. Frost

21. Chains

22. Scratchy

23. Celestial

24. Shallow

25. Dangerous

26. Remove

27. Beast

28. Sparkle

29. Massive

30. Rush

31. Fire

Thanks for reading ❤️